Thursday, August 27, 2020
Violence In Hockey Essays - Violence In Sports, Dispute Resolution
Viciousness In Hockey Viciousness is no more abnormal to hockey. As though legitimate body checking and stick checking didn't make the game unpleasant enough, an ever increasing number of players release their fierceness through broad viciousness on the ice. Brutality in hockey is what boycotts American players as below average. This is a direct result of the ascent of the savagery pattern throught the eighties and nineties into what is currently a ridiculous and injury filled game. Viciousness in hockey is huge to such an extent that it is in any event, going being investigated when, Wayne County (Michigan) starts indictment of Jesse Boulerice. Boulerice, a Philadelphia Flyers prospect, assaulted Andrew Long, a Florida Panthers prospect, by giving him a two gave baseball swing to the face with a hockey stick during an Ontario Hockey League season finisher game in April of 1998. (Biggane Brian, Palm Beach Post) And this is just a single case of how across the board savagery is in hockey. Today, beside boxing, ice hockey (in North America) is special among sports in supporting brutality. (Bird, Patrick J. Ph.D., Column 460) truth be told, savage punishments have multiplied in the NHL since 1975. Numerous mentors furthermore, players credit this conduct to the common misconception that the more forceful group wins. This fantasy has come to fruition by the forceful strategies utilized by mentors in the mid to late eighties. These strategies spun around crippling the other group by utilizing marginally more unpleasant checks to startle the other player, and have since developed to the consolidation of hockey and viciousness. Studies, be that as it may, have indicated the specific inverse, as far as brutality and wins. Over the course of the previous a quarter century, as we have seen brutality twofold, it has been seen that fierce groups will in general lose more than peaceful groups. The realities may point towards peacefulness in hockey yet it despite everything appears to hold its request. There are a high level of fans which incline toward brutality in hockey, and indeed, even the individuals who watch hockey only for the savagery. Most importantly brutality makes for beneficial amusement so it is on the ascent. Brutality on the ice additionally realizes the macho intrigue which a great deal of the players might want to be related with. Numerous specialists state that this affiliation originates from youth baseball, where studies show that guardians and mentors permit savagery. A few individuals state the most noticeably awful is yet to come and a few people say the game used to be more unpleasant. Players, for example, Joe Kocur, state, it was alot more unpleasant ten quite a while back (Kupelian, Vartan, The Detroit News). (This might be on the grounds that of less rigging required ten years back and the less refined arbitrators.) Five of the longest suspensions have been passed out since 1993, and the punishments are just getting more unpleasant. Also, greater gear is required rather than the protective cap discretionary strategy of the eighties. (Kupelian, Vartan, The Detroit News) This shows how authorities watch out for the game and require more defensive rigging in view of more unpleasant conditions. Is there a relationship among viciousness and winning in hockey? Regardless of the wide conviction that the more forceful and vicious group wins, the specific inverse is valid. (Bird, Patrick J. Ph.D., Column 460) In considers led by the APA (American Mental Association), groups with a higher number of battling punishments will in general be lower in remaining than those with less battling punishments. Groups who depend on finnesse and beauty, rather than losing control and causing battles, are groups which generally win.(Dr. Walker, Texas Youth Commission) This clarifies why European and Russian normally win universal hockey games their battling punishments and fierce punishments are significantly less than in the U.S. A later report, led by Dr. Walker, brutality counteraction authority for Texas' adolescent amendments office, shows indistinguishable outcomes from the A.P.A. study. This investigation took a gander at savagery in Stanley Cup Championship games what's more, of every one of the 1,462 recorded punishments of all Stanley Cup games from 1980 to 1997, shows that groups playing with less savagery were bound to win and arrived at the midpoint of in excess of seven a bigger number of shots on objective per game than groups that played with additional brutality. Through the span of the seven game arrangement, that would rise to out to fifty-three additional shots on objective. That is in excess of an entire additional games worth of shots on objective if less savagery is utilized. Dr. Walker likewise discovered losing groups exhibit increasingly brutal conduct from the get-go the game. This proposes brutality was not because of disappointment of losing but instead, to an arranged, and deliberate system which was potentially founded on the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bullwhip Effect In Healthcare Sector
Bullwhip Effect In Healthcare Sector In Supply Chain the board, Bullwhip impact has pulled in some significant significance in the FMCG segment over the most recent 20 years. The wonder Bullwhip Effect shows how little changes at the clients end have colossal effect on the activities back there in the chain. The reason behind this impact is mostly ascribed to the expanding request inconstancy in the flexibly chain. We consider the quantity of organizations partaking in a solitary gracefully chain. Every one of the organization gets the request from its quick downstream organization to be satisfied. In Bullwhip impact the requests to the providers will in general have a bigger fluctuation than deals to the purchaser. This interest twisting at that point gets enhanced while engendering upstream. The paper mostly centers around how the Bullwhip impact the coordinating of the interest and gracefully and the fundamental driver prompting this. It additionally centers around the PG contextual investigation to comprehend the Bullwhip impact and the means produced to hose the bullwhip results. Further it targets measuring the bullwhip impact and diminishing its effect on the flexibly chain. Affirmation I am appreciative to Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering (MPSTME) for allowing me this chance to comprehend the Bullwhip Effect and the significant causes and the PG case. Moreover helping us comprehend the different strategies and systems for composing an exploration venture. I might likewise want to offer my true thanks to my school tutor Prof. Jinu Kurian for her persistent direction and support and being accessible consistently at whatever point the need may emerge. I might likewise want to say thanks to Prof. Prasad Chakrabarty for his assistance and backing in the undertaking. Chapter by chapter list Presentation The bullwhip impact happens when the interest request inconstancy in the flexibly chain is intensified as they moved upstream in a gracefully chain. Twisted data from single finish of a gracefully chain to the next may prompt gigantic wasteful aspects. Organizations can viably manage the bullwhip impact by completely understanding its hidden causes. Authoritative pioneers are executing different imaginative methodologies that present new difficulties: incorporating new data frameworks characterizing new authoritative entomb connections actualizing new motivator and estimation frameworks. At plainly visible level, Bullwhip Effect creates wasteful aspects underway planning, sourcing, limit usage, dissemination and the benefit age. While on the off chance that we investigate the working level it actuates extra stock which is put improperly to keep up the administration levels. It additionally diminishes the exhibition level by diminishing the approaching money and the potential income. It can even weaken any companys serious systems. 2 variables have changed the scene of gracefully chain the executives over the most recent couple of years altogether. Accessibility and utilization of the innovation and programming applications to permit catch and sharing of data over a gracefully chain generally through extranets Expanding guilty pleasure of individuals from the flexibly bind so as to move towards to set aside the conventional a careful distance connections among one another and in its place draw towards nearer, organization type courses of action. Once more, the systems over which these joint efforts happen must incorporate the essential degrees of execution, versatility, security and unwavering quality to understand these advantages to their greatest potential. Issue Statement To break down the Bullwhip Effect in social insurance division and to discover its causes, results and fixes. Essentialness Worldwide rivalry on the planet showcase today contains numerous difficulties to accomplish a level of consistency in the flexibly chain and evacuate the effect of Bullwhip Effect. Specialists have inspected the bullwhip impact and a few models to decrease it, anyway a not very many research has been done on investigating the Bullwhip Effect in human services area and to discover its causes, results and fixes evaluating the impact of bullwhip and its Estimation despite everything stays a urgent research way. Research Methods A contextual analysis based methodology was utilized to lead the examination. Information were accumulated essentially through meetings, perceptions and authentic sources. At the emergency clinics, Interviews were led, face to face, with specialists, medical caretakers, chairmen, and other medical clinic staff. At the symptomatic lab, individual meetings were led with the CEO, pathologists and other lab specialists. Most definitely, we chose to utilize a casual, negligibly organized, non-order talk with approach, empowering to limit the impact of the suppositions. . Writing Review Changes sought after have a shifting chart when we contrast from industry with industry. Driven via occasional interest and business cycles, clothing industry faces significant interest alterations, while the diaper showcase is exposed to steady request in the market field. Because of misjudgement of requests, the huge players in the retail market can be exposed to stock deficiencies or surpluses. Yet, given the consistency of interest in the diaper showcase the diaper flexibly chain ought to be progressively proficient and precise. Be that as it may, it isnt the case. The diaper showcase even with the dependable interest designs isnt ready to coordinate the interest creation coordinating. The significant reason to this flexibly chain wastefulness can be exposed to Bullwhip Effect. The term was instituted by Procter Gamble who saw intensification in the data contortion as the data of the request voyaged upstream in the gracefully chain. Bullwhip impact or Whiplash impact can be significantly found in the estimate driven conveyance channels. It demonstrates an absence of synchronization among the individuals over the gracefully chain. Regardless of whether there is a little vacillation in the client deals, it reflected upstream in an intensified structure. On account of this gracefully designs doesn't coordinate the interest designs bringing about stock excess at different phases of the flexibly chain.C:UsersIndiaDesktopblwhp.jpg As the client request would be once in a while impeccably steady, organizations should figure request so as to coordinate the requests with the creation and dealing with their stock levels. A portion of the significant purposes for bullwhip impact are:- Figure Errors Overcompensation to overabundances Lead time inconstancy No correspondence and no coordination along the gracefully chain individuals Postponement in data and material stream Value vacillations Item advancements Request clustering crude material requests from ProcterGamble to its providers vacillated after some time. On further seeing it was discovered that more distant down the chain, when deals at retail locations were contemplated, it was discovered that the change which was available, were little. It is sensible to expect that the customers of the diapers at the last phase of the flexibly chain utilized them at a consistent rate. In spite of the fact that utilization toward the final result was steady, orders for crude material were exceptionally factor, expanding expenses and making it hard for flexibly to coordinate requests. Absence of coordination between gracefully chain individuals additionally results if data mutilation happens inside the flexibly chain. Considering the Bullwhip impact PG saw in the diaper flexibly chain. Because of the bullwhip impact, orders PG gets from its wholesalers are considerably more factor than the interest for the diapers at retailers. The absence of the flexibly chain coordination between individuals adversy affects producing cost. It builds the assembling cost in the gracefully chain. PG and its providers must fulfill a flood of requests that is significantly more factor than client request. ProcterGamble reacted to the expanded change by either fabricating overabundance limit or by holding abundance stock, the two of which increment the assembling cost per unit delivered. It even expands the recharging lead time in the gracefully chain. The expanded fluctuation due to bullwhip impact makes booking at PG and provider plants significantly more troublesome when contrasted with a circumstance with level interest. There are times when the limit which is accessible and stock can't flexibly the requests coming in. This outcomes in higher renewal lead times in the gracefully chain from both PG and its providers. It even damages the degree of item accessibility and results in increasingly stock outs in the flexibly chain. High vacillations in orders make it hard for PG to flexibly all wholesaler and retailer arranges on schedule. This improves the probability that retailers will come up short on stock, bringing about lost deals for the gracefully chain. It likewise prompts an expansion in the stock expenses. To deal with the expanded inconstancy sought after PG needs to convey a more significant level of stock than would be required if the flexibly chain was composed. Subsequently, stock expenses in the flexibly chain increment. The significant levels of stock additionally increment the warehousing space required and in this manner the warehousing cost acquired. It impacts the transportation cost in the gracefully chain. The transportation prerequisites after some time at PG and its providers vary with the requests being filled. Because of bullwhip impact, transportation necessities vacillate fundamentally after some time. This raises transportation cost since surplus transportation limit should be kept up to cover popularity periods. It additionally prompts the expansion in labor costs related with transportation and accepting in the flexibly chain. Work prerequisites for transportation at PG and its providers change with orders. A comparative variance happens for the work prerequisites for accepting at merchants and retailers. The different stages have the alternative of conveying overabundance work limit in light of the vacillation in orders. Either alternative builds all out work cost. PG evaluated that because of the manual mediations required in their procedure of requesting, charging and shipment frameworks, each arrangement to its clients cost between $35 to $75 to process. Sharing purpose of-sa
Friday, August 21, 2020
Descriptive Writing and Finding Your Topic
Descriptive Writing and Finding Your TopicFor descriptive writing, I think the most important step is first finding a topic. There are many topics that will serve as the basis for good writing and you can use many of them as starting points. But you have to be creative with your topic and then ask yourself the question, 'What does this topic mean to me?'You want to create or expand upon the theme of an introduction or to do a lot of introductory paragraphs. Your narrative writing will look something like this: how it feels to be 'this' by this experience and to be caught up in this 'life.' You need to focus on the state of being involved with the topic.While you are interested in the subject, it's a good idea to include a plot, since not everyone has time to read a book page-by-page. Often you will find that you are immediately attracted to the book when you first pick it up. Thus, the plan is to keep the reader's attention by presenting the action with all of the pertinent informati on at the start of the book.Describe the action in terms of what is being read and the time frame of the events. Tell how the event affects those present and how the audience feels about the situation. The description should lead you toward the right conclusion. It is important to remember that your writing is a series of events, not a collection of isolated facts.The best descriptions do not involve the writer identifying things. For example, if you read something about an important date and then write 'the date was May 22nd,' you are writing descriptive writing. However, if you remember what the date was, but you write 'there was a big party, you remember who came, and you remember all the fun, you don't feel so real. 'you are describing a very different genre.Writers make a decision about the quality of their work on the basis of their expectations. People who do not meet their expectations will not be very happy. Expectations can be positive or negative. It is not necessary to b e overly excited about the subject matter when you have not written much descriptive fiction, even if you think it is the type of writing you enjoy.When you do begin to write, write in the first person. This may sound odd, but it is actually more convincing and will be easier for readers to read and interpret. In general, the audience wants to know how it feels to be reading the story, not how the writer feels about the subject.It is usually best to make a document that is a complete story. The author then chooses a topic that matches that story and then goes on to write the rest of the book. I have seen this approach done quite well and it keeps the author writing about the right topic.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Business Analysis Management Accounting - 1289 Words
1. Introduction All businesses have a large amount of stakeholders. Pauline (2013) defined that stakeholder is a general term to indicate all those who might have a legitimate interest in receiving financial information about a business because they have a ââ¬Ëstakeââ¬â¢ in it. All stakeholders must need accounting information to help them making better decision. Most of the businesses have provided different sort of accounting information like balance sheet and income statement. However, no all the stakeholders need the same information and the purpose is different. Therefore, the main question is what information is required and the proper use of the information. In the following of the passage, it will discuss about the question from different stakeholders. 2. Management Managers are who manage the business on a daily basis. They need to know how well projects are progressing financially and about the financial position of the business. E.g. how much assets and liabilities are they own. Can the businesses able to increase capacity in the next few months? This is referred as management accounting. For instant, managers can use contribution margins to set the product selling price in order to maximise the profit. Managers can use payback period and average return rate to assess the risky of the project. Furthermore, Argilà ©s Slof (2003) found that making decision by using financial report will have better performance. They had set up a research about the comparison of the farmsShow MoreRelatedBusiness Management And Accounting And Appropriate Data Analysis Techniques2364 Words à |à 10 PagesExecutive Summary The approach adopted in this paper is to discuss three types of research methods available within the business management and accounting and appropriate data analysis techniques available within the field. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Holocaust and the Cultivation of Bigotry and Hate Essay
The Holocaust and the Cultivation of Bigotry and Hate In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe was about 9.5 million people. The number represented more than 60 percent of the worlds Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million. So how could two out of every three European Jews be dead by the end of World War 2? The answer to this question lies in the hands of Adolph Hitler. Adolph Hitler has helped destroy the lives of millions of families around the world, but how was he able to take part in these mass killing of Jews all around Europe. When Adolph Hitler was 18, he became interested in German nationalism, because he lived on the German-Austrian border. He became interested in politics, only after failingâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Hitler, knowing this, devised a plan, in which the Nazi?s would kidnap the leaders of the Bavarian government, and hold them at gunpoint until they accepted Hitler as their leader. The kidnapping was supposed to take place at a beer hall in Munich. Of course, none of this was true, but the people in the beer hall did not know the difference. Hitler ordered the 3 Bavarian officials to a back room, and proclaimed I have four bullets in this gun: three for you gentlemen, and one for me.?(Keegan 221). The three gentlemen finally succumbed to the Nazi government. They then went out to the podium in the beer hall, and publicly announced their loyalty to Hitler. All four, including Hitler then sang ?Deutschland uber Alles?, the song of the Nazi?s. Hitler left the beer hall in pure happiness. This proved to be a fatal mistake for Hitler, for after he left the hall, the revolution fizzled into nothing, he was captured, tried for treason, and, on November 21st, 1923, Hitler was put in jail for five years (Encarta). While in jail, Hitler funneled all of his hatred-driven energy into a book, titled Mein Kampf. Hitler rambled from one subject to the next, one minute blaming the Jews for Germany?s loss in World War I, and the next, talking a bout his future ambitions. Because of this, Hitler was banned from public speaking in Germany for 2 years, and the ban was not lifted.. During this two-year period, Hitler reorganized the Nazi party. Time to seize
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sense And Sensibility Essay - 1731 Words
ââ¬Å"Oh, Annaâ⬠¦if only there was someone out there who loved you.â⬠As Hans pulls away from the shivering Princess Anna with a smirk, refusing her ââ¬Å"true loveââ¬â¢s kissâ⬠and revealing his not-so-charming character, viewers are faced with a drastic divergence from the average Disney princess plot. Frozenââ¬âas demonstrated by this devastating betrayalââ¬ârefuses to grant its heroine a classic ââ¬Å"fairy tale ending.â⬠True loveââ¬â¢s kiss does not save the day; Prince Charming does not ride in and rescue the damsel in distress; there is no magical wedding, no easy ââ¬Å"happily ever after.â⬠Instead, there is only one person who can save Anna: her sister. Sense Sensibility is not your typical romance, either. In fact, the novel is rather unromantic when comparedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬Å"Please. I donââ¬â¢t want to hurt you.â⬠As the adolescent Elsa watches her powers intensify with each passing day, she recognizes that for her, growing up will mean growing apart from her loved ones. Thus, Elsaââ¬â¢s mantra becomes ââ¬Å"conceal, donââ¬â¢t feelâ⬠as she shuts everyone out of her lifeââ¬âincluding her sister. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m right out here for you,â⬠says Anna, pleadingââ¬âas alwaysââ¬âfor her sister to open the door. ââ¬Å"Just let me in.â⬠But Anna is the one closest to Elsaââ¬â¢s heart; thus, she is the one from whom Elsa must maintain the greatest distance. And so, the door remains shut in an act of fear and protection that can only be seen from the inside. Meanwhile, on the outside, Anna is left alone: believing that her best friendââ¬â¢s love has expired and wonde ring why her sister has locked her out of her life. But Elsa is not the only one who shuts the door. In Sense Sensibility, Elinor is also afraid to let her sister in. She fears that in revealing her feelings, she would be burdening Marianneââ¬âas Elinor tells her sister, ââ¬Å"I would not have you suffer on my accountâ⬠ââ¬âand so, she constantly conceals her emotions from her loved ones. Thus, a similar communicative barrier is built between Elinor and Marianne. ââ¬Å"We have neither of us any thing to tell,â⬠Marianne tells her sister. ââ¬Å"You, because you do not communicate, and I, because I conceal nothing.â⬠As a result, the sisters cannot understand each otherââ¬â¢s sufferings. Thus, they cannot provide the necessaryShow MoreRelated Sense and Sensibility Essay1523 Words à |à 7 Pages Title nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ââ¬Å"I have not wanted syllables where actions have spoken so plainly.â⬠(Austen 68) As Elinor declares in Jane Austinââ¬â¢s novel Sense and Sensibility, it is true; actions do speak louder than words. What someone does means a lot more than what someone says. Someone can tell you that they love you, but if they never show you than how will you know if they truly mean it. Love is meant for people like Elinor and Edward who showed each other their love and respected socialRead MoreSense And Sensibility Essay1344 Words à |à 6 PagesIn Jane Austen s novel ââ¬Å"Sense and Sensibilityâ⬠marriage is a prominent theme. Each character is affected in some way by marriage. Sometimes it is beneficial for characters like Fanny, (Sarah Elizabeth Keyes), who marries John Dashwood, (Alex Givens), and acquires power. For others, it is an unnecessary circumstance forced upon them as in the case of Edward Ferrars, (Rishan Dhamija). Making sure you stay wi thin your social class is very important to people of this era, and in order to do thisRead MoreSense And Sensibility Essay1709 Words à |à 7 PagesIn the play Sense and Sensibility, playwright Kate Hamill and director Taibi Magar collude to reveal the theme that sense rules over sensibility in love affairs by having dual plot lines and dual heroines in the play. The two heroines, Elinor and Marianne, hold differing views and beliefs on love during their quest to find a suitable spouse. The contrasting views of love highlight both charactersââ¬â¢ reaction towards conflict in their love life. Thus, Elinor and Marianneââ¬â¢s reactions to the conflictsRead MoreSense And Sensibility Essay1683 Words à |à 7 PagesKate Hamillââ¬â¢s Sense and Sensibility, under the direction of Taiba Magar, provided a compelling experience into modern theatre. The performance presents an in-depth look into 1790s England and the emergence of the sensibility movement, a response to the growing t ensions of the time. Utilizing costuming, lighting, effective story-telling, and stage design, Sense and Sensibility highlights the social pressures of the 1790s through Elinor and Marianne, the storyââ¬â¢s protagonists. While performed on theRead MoreEssay on An Introduction to Sense and Sensibility1320 Words à |à 6 PagesJane Austenââ¬â¢s novel Sense and Sensibility follows the lives of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, as they face the perils of finding love. In the novel, Elinor seems to be the embodiment of sense with her rationality and thoughtfulness, while her sister, Marianne, seems to symbolize sensibility. Marianne is incredibly emotional and wildly romantic. Although the novel seems to closely attach the sisters to these personifications, it is shown at the beginning of the novel that Elinor and MarianneRead MoreEssay Sense vs Sensibility2313 Words à |à 10 PagesOften, two people who have endured similar life experiences and share an unmistakable parallel in lifestyles can be viewed as duplicates of one individual. In Sense and Sensibility, the two main characters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood can be seen as two extensions of the same character. The sisters are relative ly close in age, grew up with the same social expectations of the same time period and household, and they evidently experienced similar childhood and family trauma and problems. AlthoughRead MoreEssay on Sense And Sensibility Themes901 Words à |à 4 Pages quot;Sense and Sensibilityquot; In Jane Austenââ¬â¢s Sense and Sensibility there is a theme that runs along with males in the novel. The first born sons are forced to deal with the promotions and abilities that come along with the laws of primogeniture, yet even with all they get they do not lead an altogether happy life. The men that are quot;first-bornquot; are in fact too swayed by the power and obligation that comes with their estates. In the novel the first sons are viewed in a negative lightRead More Structure and Characterization in Sense and Sensibility Essay3986 Words à |à 16 PagesStructure and Characterization in Sense and Sensibility Fiction was not considered an important part of literature in the early nineteenth century when Jane Austen published her novels. Fiction was presumed to be immoral and even dangerous since it over-excited the imagination (Halperin 5). Many religious denominations instituted anti- fiction campaigns to protect young people from the corrupting influence of the novels. It was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that this attitudeRead More Patriarchy in Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility Essay1535 Words à |à 7 PagesPatriarchy in Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility Despite the fact that Jane Austen has become what Julian North describes as a ââ¬Å"conservative icon in popular cultureâ⬠signified by her depictions of ââ¬Å"traditional class and gender hierarchies, sexual propriety and Christian values,â⬠the novel _Sense and Sensibility_ provides, if not a feminist perspective, a feminist discourse lacking in Emma Thompsonââ¬â¢s film version (North 38). In this essay, I attempt to argue briefly that the novel, which initiallyRead MoreJane Austens Sense and Sensibility Essays1384 Words à |à 6 Pageswhether itââ¬â¢s an inanimate object or a person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Jane Austenââ¬â¢s novel, ââ¬Å"Sense and Sensibilityâ⬠, revolves around two sisters who try to find true love, while requiring a balance of reason and emotion. Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are viewed as two completely different people. Elinor is known to represent ââ¬Å"senseâ⬠while Marianne represents ââ¬Å"sensibility. â⬠In the novel, Jane Austen emphasizes two common womenââ¬â¢s characteristics, and shows us how Elinor and Marianne
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sustainable Business of Commonwealth Bank-
Question: Discuss about theSustainable Business Development of Commonwealth Bank. Answer: Introduction: The aim of this paper is to harp on the concepts of business model and disruption of the business model. The paper also discusses the threats and opportunities ushered in by the smart-connected devices by delving into its impact on Commonwealth Bank, Australia. There are discussions on the Osterwalder and Pigneurs business model in contextualizing the disruptive business model of Commonwealth Bank and further discussions on the two perspectives of business model. Business model: Business model comprises of three elements that define the structure and goals of the business (Tidd, Bessant Pavitt, 2005). These three elements are profit formula, value proposition and the key processes and resources. Customer value propositions deals with the notion of fulfilling the task are meant for the better experience of the customers (Chesbrough, 2010). The notion of profit formula is concerned with the strategies that the company has employed in generating a lucrative deal. Third notion of the key processes and key resources indicates the processes imperative for the delivery of the proposition. Disruption in business: Disruption in business has become the trend in contemporary phase of business. The term disruption refers to the drastic alteration in the landscape of the traditional business model of the company. Companies have adopted the disruptive model to bring innovation in their business. Some of the illustrations are that companies have disrupted the business model by converting the necessities into shipping products and subscriptions (Commonwelath Bank of Australia, 2018). Companies have tapped the advantage posed by the revolution in internet speed the mushrooming of the mobile device that would stream high-quality content in exchange of monthly subscription. Another illustration of innovation would be Netflix. The company has ensconced a strong position by continuously innovating its business model. This is done through renting the DVDs and therefore changing the fate of blockbusters. In 2007, the company incorporated the streaming service and has over the years built a reputation. It ha s also branched out into the sector of original content. Currently, Netflix has become the contributor in cord-cutting phenomenon that has posed a threat to the cable companies. Another illustration of disruptive business model is Amazon. The retail giant has been consistently focussed in elevating the experience of shopping for the consumers. It has placed 500 products in the market that would be available at the fingertip of the customers. Recently, it has launched that app that has led to a sweeping increase in its sales. To stay ahead in the business, the company innovated convenience that includes the facility of Amazon Prime for its customers. Along with that it has granted access to the customers membership to two-day shipping and has allowed them to access millions of products including the benefit of music libraries and video. Disruptive business model has incorporated drop box for the purpose of communication. This had led to the enhancement in participation, accessibility and productivity. Another feature of disruptive model is that it has led to the building in of gamification that has led to the enhancement in engagement with the customers. Business model of Commonwealth bank: Opportunities and threats The eruption in technology has led to the radical automation in the service of the Commonwealth Bank (Porter Heppelmann, 2014). The company has introduced a range of smart machines that interact with humans and has led to the generation of GDP. Smart-connected devices and service has altered the business model of Common Wealth Bank as envisaged by Dilan Rajasingaham, the Head of the CommonBanks Emerging Technology team (Welcome to the Machine-to-Machine economy, 2018). The company has introduced machine-to-machine economy the feature of which is that machines can eliminate the tasks that are otherwise boring, tiring or onerous. The company is planning to introduce automated machines that can look after it, in other words it can do self-monitoring and are capable of taking orders and making decisions on insurance. Machines will perform these functions and will open a new door in terms of providing smooth service to the customers and ease their pain. The technology partner of Commbank Emerging Technology has collaborated with public and private tech partners and the academic community who would be able to experiment with technology. The focus areas of Commonwealth Bank are big data analysis, blackchain, smart machines and cyber security (Reinventing Your Business Model, 2018). The team of CommBank is committed in preparing a future based on experimentation, education, adoption of new technologies and learning. Whilst, these were the opportunities, the threats are also quite prominent. According to a survey conducted by the Mobile Ecosystem Forum, 60 per cent of the population were worried about the proliferation of the connecting devices, and 62 per cent of the population was of the opinion that privacy was a real concern that was being hampered by the smart-connecting devices (Commonwelath Bank of Australia ,2018). It was reported that 21 per cent of the sample population conceded that internet of Things (IoTs) poses a real threat (How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition, 2018). The advantage lies in gaining or securing the trust of the customers in the management of transactional data. CommBank is committed to innovating in the space of payment technology. The company has constructed a network that would enable in the innovation of the business through a decentralized structure and distribution. The broader aim of the company is to work its privacy protocols that would underpin the transaction banking of CommBank. Business model framework of Osterwalder and Pigneur to analyze the business model of Commonwealth Bank: An analysis of Commonwealth Banks disruptive model with the framework of Osterwalder and Pigneur is imperative. It has been found that the bank is committed towards building on its customer relationships and the value proposition. In terms of value proposition, the company believes in making transaction smoother for the customers, in terms of customer relationships, the company believes that smart-connected device would cater to the growing needs of the millenials for whom everything is just a click away and finally in terms of channels, the company is planning to reach to the potential customers via notification through mobile phones (Osterwalder Pigneur, 2010). Key Partners Partner with private and public service providers Key Activities Providing smooth bank experience to the customers Machine-to-machine transaction economy Big data analysis Cyber security Value Proposition The company delivers the value of easy money transaction Customer Relationships Building trust Customer service Cordial and long-term relationship. Customer Segments Millenials who service to be quick and efficient Key Resources Smart connected technology Automated banking Self-monitoring machines Channels Decentralized structure and distribution Cost Structure Technology Customs Employee wages Taxes to government and intercity and interstate taxes Production costs Installation of the machines throughout the country Revenue Streams Easing the burden on payment technology Two business model perspectives Business model as a set of capabilities- This refers to the ability of an organization to recognize and build on the right kinds of capabilities. This capability provides the opportunity to translate the strategy into actionable tasks and ensured that it is executed in the business areas (Zott Massa, 2011). Business model as profit formula- Business model as a profit formula refers to the four aspects of business. These are cost structure, target unit margin, revenue model and the velocity of the resources. Conclusion Therefore, it can be stated that smart-connected products in the form of machine-to-machine economy will make it easier for the customers to make transactions. It will also transform the landscape of the banking sector. This is an illustration of disruptive business model for CommonWealth Bank. References Chesbrough, H. (2010). Business model innovation: opportunities and barriers.Long range planning,43(2-3), 354-363. Commonwelath Bank of Australia (2018). Disrupting beliefs: A new approach to business-model innovation.McKinsey Quarterly,3, 66-75. How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition. (2018).Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 19 April 2018, from Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. (2010).Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley Sons. Porter, M. E., Heppelmann, J. E. (2014). How smart, connected products are transforming competition.Harvard Business Review,92(11), 64-88. Reinventing Your Business Model. (2018).Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 19 April 2018, from Tidd, J., Bessant, J., Pavitt, K. (2005).Managing innovation integrating technological, market and organizational change. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Welcome to the Machine-to-Machine economy. (2018) Retrieved 21 April 2018, from Zott, C., Amit, R., Massa, L. (2011). The business model: recent developments and future research.Journal of management,37(4), 1019-1042.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020
The History of the Italian Language
The History of the Italian Language Youââ¬â¢re always hearing that Italian is a romance language, and thatââ¬â¢s because linguistically speaking, itââ¬â¢s a member of the Romance group of the Italic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages. It is spoken principally in the Italian peninsula, southern Switzerland, San Marino, Sicily, Corsica, northern Sardinia, and on the northeastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, as well as in North and South America. Like the other Romance languages, Italian is a direct offspring of the Latin spoken by the Romans and imposed by them on the peoples under their dominion. However, Italian is unique in that of all the major Romance languages, it retains the closest resemblance to Latin. Nowadays, itââ¬â¢s considered one language with many different dialects. Development During the long period of Italianââ¬â¢s evolution, many dialects sprang up, and the multiplicity of these dialects and their claims upon their native speakers as pure Italian speech presented a peculiar difficulty in choosing a version that would reflect the cultural unity of the entire peninsula. Even the earliest popular Italian documents, produced in the 10th century, are dialectal in language, and during the following three centuries Italian writers wrote in their native dialects, producing a number of competing regional schools of literature. During the 14th century, the Tuscan dialect began to dominate. This may have happened because of Tuscanyââ¬â¢s central position in Italy and because of the aggressive commerce of its most important city, Florence. Moreover, of all the Italian dialects, Tuscan has the greatest similarity in morphology and phonology from classical Latin, which makes it harmonize best with the Italian traditions of Latin culture. Finally, Florentine culture produced the three literary artists who best summarized Italian thought and feeling of the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance: Dante, Petrarca, and Boccaccio. The First 13th Century Texts In the first half of the 13th century, Florence was preoccupied with the development of trade. Then interest began to broaden, especially under the lively influence of Latini. Brunetto Latini (1220-94): Latini was exiled to Paris from 1260 to 1266 and became a link between France and Tuscany. He wrote the Trà ¨sor (in French) and the Tesoretto (in Italian) and contributed to the development of allegorical and didactic poetry, along with a tradition of rhetoric upon which dolce stil nuovo and Divine Comedy were based.The dolce stil nuovo (1270-1310): Although in theory they continued the Provenà §al tradition and counted themselves members of the Sicilian School of Federico IIs reign, the Florentine writers went their own way. They used all their knowledge of science and philosophy in a delicate and detailed analysis of love. Among them were Guido Cavalcanti and the young Dante.The Chroniclers: These were men of the merchant class whose involvement in city affairs inspired them to write tales in the vulgar tongue. Some, such as Dino Compagni (d. 1324), wrote about local conflicts and rivalries; others, like Giovanni Villani (d. 1348), took on much wider E uropean events as their subject. The Three Jewels in the Crown Dante Alighieri (1265-1321): Dantes Divine Comedy is one of the great works of world literature, and it was also proof that in literature the vulgar tongue could rival Latin. He had already defended his argument in two unfinished treatises, De vulgari eloquentia and Convivio, but to prove his point it needed the Divine Comedy, this masterpiece in which Italians rediscovered their language in sublime form (Bruno Migliorini).Petrarch (1304-74): Francesco Petrarca was born in Arezzo since his father was in exile from Florence. He was a passionate admirer of ancient Roman civilization and one of the great early Renaissance humanists, creating a Republic of Letters. His philological work was highly respected, as were his translations from Latin into the Vulgate, and also his Latin works. But itââ¬â¢s Petrarchs love poetry, written in the vulgar tongue, that keeps his name alive today. His Canzoniere had enormous influence on the poets of the 15th and 16th centuries.Boccaccio (1313-75): This was a man from the rising commercial classes, whose principal work, ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹Decameron, has been described as a merchants epic. It consists of one hundred stories told by characters who are also part of a story that provides the setting for the whole, much like The Arabian Nights. The work was to become a model for fiction and prose writing. Boccaccio was the first to write a commentary on Dante, and he was also a friend and disciple of Petrarch. Around him gathered enthusiasts of the new humanism. La Questione Della Lingua The question of the language, an attempt to establish linguistic norms and codify the language, engrossed writers of all persuasions. Grammarians during the 15th and the 16th centuries attempted to confer upon the pronunciation, syntax, and vocabulary of 14th-century Tuscan the status of a central and classical Italian speech. Eventually, this classicism, which might have made Italian another dead language, was widened to include the organic changes inevitable in a living tongue. In the dictionaries and publications of the, founded in 1583, which was accepted by Italians as authoritative in Italian linguistic matters, compromises between classical purism and living Tuscan usage were successfully effected. The most important literary event of the 16th century did not take place in Florence. In 1525 the Venetian Pietro Bembo (1470-1547) set out his proposals (Prose della volgar lingua - 1525) for a standardized language and style: Petrarca and Boccaccio were his models and thus became the modern classics. Therefore, the language of Italian literature is modeled on Florence in the 15th century. Modern Italian It wasnââ¬â¢t until the 19th century that the language spoken by educated Tuscans spread far enough to become the language of the new nation. The unification of Italy in 1861 had a profound impact not only on the political scene but also resulted in a significant social, economic, and cultural transformation. With mandatory schooling, the literacy rate increased, and many speakers abandoned their native dialect in favor of the national language.
Friday, February 21, 2020
What effect s can debt have on personal or professional relationships Essay
What effect s can debt have on personal or professional relationships Does this influence behavior Construct an argument to support your claim - Essay Example Depending on the debtorââ¬â¢s external conduct, work and friendship relationship tend to suffer. In most cases, debtors tend to feel that their friends or colleagues judge them because of their financial situations and behaviors, which could affect their social interactions qualities. Generally, debts triggers stress and tensions among people and in some cases, it results in constant fights hence creating unsafe environments (Wolny 58). Debts can have impacts personally or professionally. Professionally, debt can affects a workerââ¬â¢s overall work performance in that an individual can become inattentive or limited focus while performing his duties at the work place hence leading to job losses or financial problems (Wolny 59). Debtors usually feel socially controlled because they sometimes cannot afford their necessities, which might be an indirect pressure to them. As a result, this might affect their social standing. Alternatively, debts can influence a personââ¬â¢s behavior. In this case, a personââ¬â¢s self-worth might be affected which would then lead to emotional problems (Wolny 62). The inability of an individual to borrow could eventually lead to social problems. Numerous studies reveal that personal debt levels tend to be associated with related adverse health behaviors and poor psychological behaviors. One of the most common behaviors that might be influenced is stress. Stress remains the biggest mechanism through which debts can affect psychological health. Generally, a personââ¬â¢s stress experience can be related to the reduction of immune system functioning and the release of stress-related hormones. In most cases, they influence a personââ¬â¢s cardiovascular function and blood pressure. In some instances, the problematic personal debts and outcomes that are associated with it such bankruptcy can lead to a personââ¬â¢s decline in psychological health. Alternatively, some studies reveal that debts can lead to depression, suicidal cases and
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The difference between IT And IS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The difference between IT And IS - Essay Example In the contemporary environment of advancing technology and globalization, dynamic strategies and exploiting knowledge and information become major enabling elements of competitive advantage. Technology has redefined business dynamics with far reaching ramifications for businesses as well as for people at large.Balutis (2009) has emphasized that businesses need to address the challenges of technology and make them integral part of their business strategies. Indeed, technology has emerged as powerful tool of communication which must be innovatively exploited within organizations for creating a wider database of new opportunities and scope. Information system and technology are part of broader spectrum of knowledge application mechanisms that facilitate firms to explore new opportunities and maintain their niche position in the industry. The paper would therefore be discussing the role of information system and information technology in the knowledge management. Differences between Inf ormation system and information technology Cohen (1997, 2000) has contested that information system is very complex because it encompasses diversity of issues and concepts which are open to myriad interpretations. It is therefore an evolving process where environmental changes and scientific developments redefine contexts and mechanisms to give new meaning to an issue or defined paradigm. Drucker (1998) strongly asserts that access to information is the prerequisite element of success within firms. Information facilitates wide ranging knowledge about the existing and emerging paradigms of businesses which is exploited by them to gain market leverage. Most importantly, information greatly improves and improvises the work productivity of workers who are better informed and can make effective decisions (Johnson & Lederer, 2010). Thus, while information can be broadly described as collation of data into meaningful form, the information system is the mechanism of storing and manipulating the strategic business information for higher growth and efficient delivery of organizational goals and objectives (Phillip, 2007: Stonier, 1997.). Information technology, on the other hand, refers to all computing technologies that facilitate information dissemination. It encompasses collaborating tools of communication that are used by firms and people to gain knowledge and apply them within the business processes. The broader precinct of information technology facilitates selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies so as to meet the goals and objectives of businesses and provide firms with unique capabilities to meet new challenges (Melville et al., 2004)). Thus IT caters to the planning and management of various hardware and software products lifecycle so that technology can constantly meet the changing needs and requirements of the organization. Consequently, information system and information technology primarily differ in their objectives and the context of application. Information system helps develop database of information that is streamlined into defined format so as to acquire value for the user. The fundamental objective of creating information system is to ensure smooth flow of relevant information across people that would help them in making informed decisions for higher performance outcome (Reynolds, 2010). At the same time, information technology provides the facilitating platform of computing technology vis-a-vis hardware and software tools that facilitate networking and flow of information across people and places. Thus IT serves as a key mechanism to integrate various modules of information system regarding the various processes and spheres of business paradigms to produce the desired outcome of efficiency, quality, productivity and revenue or profit. Knowledge management and technology Knowledge management by organizational leadership is inherently linked to the tacit manipulation of informed choices (Bateman & Snell, 2008). The transfer of
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Use of Films for ESOL Learners
Use of Films for ESOL Learners CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the research, and definition of key terms. Background of The Study Writing is a complicated skill, writing is a skill that the language teacher must teach to their students. And also it is very important because writing van give the student chance to show or express their personalities, and to mastery and to develop the English ability (Scot and Ytreberg,1992). In addition, because of writing, the learners learn to communicate with other people in order they will understand each other, or to read the message and they need to write it. (Raimes, 1983). That its why writing will give benefit for students if they mastered this writing. Writing is not skill where the students get easily and naturaly. It means, English as Foreign Language learners are not taught how to write a good narrative story in English language. However, to teach writing not only about grammar, the mechanics of the alphabet or the spelling, but also the learners need to see the ideas or concepts in English language. Lack of vocabulary is also the problem when the teacher ask students to write. The students look confused and asking their friend about what is the English language for some words. High school students are asked to write simple and short sentences, messages, short announcements, and also to write narrative, and other type of paragraphs (Depdiknas, 2006). In the statement above, the teaching of writing at high school is a simple one. However, writing is productive skills besides speaking, but still look complicated skill for SMA students to master. It is a complex activity that need a variety of skills. Due to that condition, the researcher tries to find out a kind of technique that can help students write sentences or a simple paragraph and encourage them in the writing activity. The researcher assumes that one of the good ways of teaching writing is by using media. Instructional media is important in teaching and learning processes in order the students can enhance and promote learning and support the teacherââ¬â¢s instruction. The use of media needs to be planned carefully. There are so many kinds of media that can be used in the teaching writing process. One of them is short movie. Short movie can be the basis of the most difficult side: motivate students to write. Short movie as the media are very useful for teaching English writing, especially to attract and giving the anxiety to the studentsââ¬â¢ attention and to deliver the information. So, in teaching writing, the teacher can use short movie to motivate the students to write, to help, to stimulate and to guide students to write a narrative paragraph. In this research, the researcher tries to implement the using of movie strategy into the teaching of narrative paragraph. A narrative paragraph is a paragraph that retells events happening in the past. It focuses on individual participants, uses correct grammar: past tense, focuses on a sequence of events, and it uses action clauses. To make a good narrative paragraph, it would be better if the teachers use short movie to make the learning process clear and make students understand, and the students will arrange the sentences in a good chronological order. The researcher believes that picture series is applicable for the students in SMAN I MANYAR GRESIK because it may guide, help, motivate and encourage the students to express and show their ideas, opinions, and thoughts onto paper. 1.2 Statement of The Problem The research problem in this research is in a question form: ââ¬Å"How can 11th grade of SMAN I MANYAR studentsââ¬â¢ ability in writing narrative paragraphs be improved by using short movie?â⬠1.3 Purpose of The Study According to the problem above this research is to describe how the 11th grade students ability in writing narrative paragraph at SMAN 1 MANYAR can be improved by using short movie. 1.4 Significance of The Study The findings of this research can be useful for the teacher and other researchers. For the teachers, the finding of this study can give the alternative way or technique in teaching writing narrative texts. 1.5 Scope and Limitation of The Study The research is focused on the teaching and learning process by involving the 11th grade students of SMAN I MANYAR GRESIK in short movie to improve their writing ability in narrative texts. The improvement is focused on four components: organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic. Those components are analyzed using analytic scoring rubric for writing. 1.6 Definition of Key Terms In order to avoid misunderstanding, the researcher defines several important terms in this proposal: Short movie is a movie that has a short duration about 15-20 minutes length. Narrative is a piece of text which tells a story and has generic structure begins from orientation, complications, and resolution. Writing ability is a way that needs skill of communicating a message to a reader to express idea, thoughts and feelings. Improve is make something to be better. From low to high. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter aims to provide a review of the literature related to the teaching of English in Indonesia, the problem of writing, the previous research and the media. 2.1 The Teaching of English in Indonesia English is the international language which is used in communication, or an activity every time. Mastering English is getting important. In Indonesia, English is a compulsory subject. But it seems that the teaching of English as a Foreign Language is not to lead the students to be able to communicate, but only to prepare the students to pass the national examination (Kam Wong, 2004:181). But nowadays, many teachers and learners realize if learning English is not only the skill that we need to pass the exams, but also for communication. Saukah (2000) states that the purpose of teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia is that the learners will master to use English for communication; in written or oral language. The ability to communicate is the way how we are able to understand and show to express something. Writing is one of four language skills which has important role in teaching English as a Foreign Language. Brown (2001), writing is simple as putting the ideas or concepts into paper. Compared to speaking, writing is more difficult because writing has the typical characteristics of language that are more complex than those of spoken language such as the degree of formality. Naturally, the process of writing needs the different set of competencies and skills which not every writer has. As beginners, Senior High School students, of course, cannot be expected to master and apply all those writing skills. The students still have a lot of problems in expressing their ideas in writing form. The curriculum expects students to be able to write simple message and simple paragraph at Junior High School. This expectation has not been achieved yet because the students still find it difficult to express and show their ideas in the written language especially in English. This statement based on fact that most of the studentsââ¬â¢ paper cannot be understood well because there are so many errors. 2.2 Previous Research Research on using short movie strategy has been conducted by some researchers. Sumarsih (2006) did a study using short movie to teach English at the XI IPA-1 students of SMA Negeri 8 Medan. The study showed that the first score of the studentsââ¬â¢ test was 42,5 for the total improvement from the first competency test to the third competency test was 68,75%. The conclusion is that the student achievement was improved by using the media such as short movie. So the points that we can conclude from using short movie strategy in teaching writing are (1) stimulates the students to be active in English classes during the activity, (2) activates the four language skills (speaking, listening, readning and writing at the same time), (3) produces a fun English class as the best way to learn English, (4) increase studentsââ¬â¢ achievement. Media for Teaching Writing Listiyaningsih (2002), to facilitate the teaching and learning process, several kinds of media can be used as useful means of teaching in interesting ways. In fact, teaching and learning activities are communication processes. So, using media in teaching writing are good to encourage and stimulate the students to be actively involved during the teaching and learning processes. The media are: Short Movie Sound speaker Proyektor CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter contains the description of the research methodology. It includes research design, population and sample, subject and setting, data collection, and data analysis. 3.1 Research Design In this study, the researcher uses Classroom Action Research because the researcher wants to improve the students writing skill. The researcher uses short movie as instructional media to improve the students writing skill. It will be brought by the researcher as a new teaching technique in the class. Particularly, the aim of this study is to find a new strategy or technique in learning English writing which can help the teacher to solve classroom problems. The researcher implemented the CAR by Kemmis and Mac Taggart (1998). There are four phase or steps in this action research: (1) planning an action, (2) implementing an action, (3) observing and (4) reflecting. 3.2 Population and Sample The population of the study consisted of 360 students ; 124 male students and 236 female students in SMAN 1 MANYAR Gresik 11th grade . The sample of this study consisted of 36 students of class XI IPS 2: 16 male students and 20 female students, which chosen by cluster sampling at SMAN 1 MANYAR Gresik 11th grade . 3.2.1 Subject and Setting This research was conducted at SMAN 1 MANYAR Gresik 11th grade.. This school had thirty (30) classes and each level had ten (10) classes. The subjects of this study were class XI IPS 2, at the academic year 2013/2014. The class consists of thirty six (36) students. The reason why the researcher chose this class because this class had the most problems in writing. 3.3 Data Collection 3.3.1 Intrument The instrument of this research; First, document collection was conducted by collecting studentsââ¬â¢ papers at the end of the steps to be evaluated. The data that researcher test are two data in cycle 1 and cycle 2. Both of the cycle are test which will have different movie that will be showed to the students. And the papers the students submitted not just the result of narrative paragraph, but also all their drafting in order to evaluate their progress when they write before. Second, field notes were used as instruments to know what was happened such as the condition and the setting of the class, the atmosphere of the classroom and the other unexpected things that happened. Third, interviews were conducted in two types; at the beginning of the study in order to gather data about the studentsââ¬â¢ problems in writing and at the end of to find out the studentsââ¬â¢ understanding the implementation of the narrative paragraph using short movie strategy. Finally, questionnaires was applied at the end of the cycle to know about the studentsââ¬â¢ responses and attitude in the implementation of the approach. 3.3.2 The Procedure of Collecting Data The researcher did the steps proposed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1998) as illustrated below; The researcher explains the research procedures start from preliminary study and research implementation; including planning, implementation, observation, and reflection which is appropriate with the illustration above. Planning: The teacher plans about the lesson plan, materials, media, the instruments. Implementation: In this part, the teaching and learning processes are carried out by the researcher, helped by a collaborator or teacher to observe the studentsââ¬â¢ progress during the process of learning. Observation : the process of recording and gathering all of the data during the teaching and learning processes. Reflection: the researcher and the collaborative teacher are discussed the result of the implementation if it is success or not. 3.4 Data Analysis In evaluating the studentsââ¬â¢ writing scores and results, the researcher uses analytic scoring rubric whose components of writing are scored partly and separately based on the composition such as; content, language use, and mechanic. The researcher wants the students will has minimum target score at least 60. Table 1. Scoring Rubric of Evaluating the Studentsââ¬â¢Writing Products Components of Writing Level Scale and Descriptor Content: Vocabulary Chronological order 4 The content is relevant to the topic and easy to understand. 3 The content is almost complete, relevant to the topic. 2 The content is relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to understand. 1 The content is not quite relevant to the topic. Language use: Use Past Tense 4 No grammatical inaccuracies 3 Some grammatical inaccuracies 2 Several grammatical inaccuracy 1 Frequent grammatical inaccuracies Mechanics: Spelling Punctuation Capitalization 4 It uses correct spelling, good punctuation, and capitalization 3 It has occasional errors of spelling, mistaken punctuation, and capitalization 2 It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization 1 It has no mastery of convention ââ¬â dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization Adapted from J.B. Heaton (1990:111) with some modification. From the scoring rubric of writing narrative in table 1, the maximum score is 12 (3 x 4) and the minimum is 3 (3 x 1). So, to identify the final score of the studentsââ¬â¢ achievement in writing narrative is based on the following scores category in the table. And the scoring is: Data Display There are four kinds of data that collected in this research and most of them were in the form of qualitative data. They were collected from document collection, field notes, interviews, and questionnaires. 1
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Movement for Womens Rights Inside The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlott
The Movement for Women's Rights Inside "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Women have been mistreated, enchained and dominated by men for most part of the human history. Until the second half of the twentieth century, there was great inequality between the social and economic conditions of men and women (Pearson Education). The battle for women's emancipation, however, had started in 1848 by the first women's rights convention, which was led by some remarkable and brave women (Pearson Education). One of the most notable feminists of that period was the writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman. She was also one of the most influential feminists who felt strongly about and spoke frequently on the nineteenth-century lives for women. Her short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper" characterizes the condition of women of the nineteenth century through the main characterââ¬â¢s life and actions in the text. It is considered to be one of the most influential pieces because of its realism and prime examples of treatment of women in that time. This essay analyzes issues the protag onist goes through while she is trying to break the element of barter from her marriage and love with her husband. This relationship status was very common between nineteenth-century women and their husbands. In ââ¬Å"The Yellow Wallpaperâ⬠Gilman presents the behavior of society of the time. The protagonist is suppressed by her husband, John, and her brother, though they both mean well. The way she is treated by her husband and her brother is not outwardly ââ¬Å"meanâ⬠because they never deal with her in anger, but the way that they suppress her by not letting her express her feelings or do what she wants, is still abuse. Even though, the way that they are treating her is wrong, it does not seem wrong because they both act gentle and kind towards her and make her think that they really do care about her. Throughout the story, the protagonist states her intentions to herself, but then does not act upon them because of her husband. This is further shown when she speaks of her husband and her brother, who "is also of higher standing," (Gilman 317) showing the high ranking of men in society. They keep her from doing the things she wants because they believe it is best for her to rest. She disagrees. "Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change, would do me good" (Gilman 317). On p... ...ble to see that it actually incorporates themes of womenââ¬â¢s rights. Gilman mainly used the setting to support her themes. This short story was written in 1892, at that time, there was only one women's suffrage law. Now, because of many determinant feminists, speakers, teachers, and writers, the womenââ¬â¢s rights movement has grown increasing large and is still in progress today. This quite recent movement took over more then a century to grant women the rights they deserve to allow them to be seen as equals to men. This story was a creative and moving way to really show how life may have been as a woman in the nineteenth century. Works Cited Eichelberger, Clayton. American Literary Realism 1870-1910. Vol. 8, issue 1. University of Texas, 1975. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. "The Yellow Wallpaper" (p.316-327). Literature: Reading and Writing With Critical Strategies. Ed. Steven Lynn. University of South Carolina, 2004 Pearson Education. Infoplease. Almanacs: ââ¬Å"Key Events in Womenââ¬â¢s Rights Movementâ⬠2005 31 March 2005 Wohlpart, Jim. American Literature Research and Analysis Web Site. ââ¬Å"Charlotte Perkins Gilman, ââ¬Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.â⬠â⬠1997. Florida Gulf Coast University
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The Story of Herbert Ernest Bates “The Beauty of the Dead”.
Interpretation by Arkadiy Kurakin The story of Herbert Ernest Bates ââ¬Å"The Beauty of the Deadâ⬠. The story is a unit of literary fiction. The author uses different expressive means and stylistic devices to show the reader the idea of the story, such as epithets, metaphor, similar, oxymoron, irony, hyperbola, understatement, etc. The protagonist of this story is Mr. Grimshaw. This is a complex character, reticent, gloomy. His surname is rather significant.The adjective ââ¬Å"grimâ⬠means harsh, merciless, severe; ghastly, joyless, sinister (has a grim truth in it); unpleasant, unattractive. ââ¬â expresses here the impression to be made by him on a reader. We can see his mercilessness from the following phrase: he turned with satisfaction to look at his wife, who lay dying on the bed. From his interaction with the minor character it occurs that though his relative consider him to be another, he is so a man that his name gives our an impression.The most important acti on of the protagonist is his inner thoughts, his choice in using sudden circumstances, his impulse to go through all the events happened. The minor characters is his wife. We do not know and the author do not let us know her name and it is significant because her name is of no account as her character is weak-willed, dull and infirm. What why he doesn't care about her inner world and doesn't interpret her as a person. Stylistic AnalysisThe story ââ¬Å"The Beauty of the Deadâ⬠by Herbert Ernest Bates is casual in its subject-matter, describing a particular place at a particular time. In analysing this story we must point out its three main features: 1) the effect of striking concreteness and simplicity; 2) the impression of a melancholy meditating tone; 3) the implication suggested by the author as the ultimate stylistic effect. These three peculiarities are linked and interwoven to produce a joint impression, the EMs and SDs of the story are aimed at achieving the desired effe ct.SDs used in describing the picture are aimed at arousing a concrete image: epithets ââ¬Å"yellowâ⬠, ââ¬Å"grassyâ⬠, metonymical periphrasis ââ¬Å"wanted wearâ⬠and ââ¬Å"no step had trodden blackâ⬠suggesting paths which are seldom used. A careful and inclusive analysis must consider linguistic items at various levels, as all stylistically significant features form a complex. The impression of colloquial intonation of reminiscence is mainly created in the story through enjambment. The pause in the middle of the line (see the third lines in the first and the last stanzas) makes the tone of the lines natural and meditating.The combination of the SDs of enjambment and anadiplosis (the repetition of the pronoun ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠at the end of the line and at the beginning of the next line) in the last stanza produces the impression of a kind of afterthought uttered quite naturally after a pause: Lexical EMs and SDs emphasise the melancholy tone of the story. Thi s SD is that of antonomasia. The proper name is substituted by a common noun which stands in certain relations to the name. Beatrice in her reply to Benedick treats the word ââ¬Å"disdainâ⬠as a living being ascribing to it human qualities.Hence here we have the SD of personification. Stylistic Analysis This story is one of Hemingway's masterpieces. It gives a deep insight into human nature and a true picture of contemporary social and family relations in bourgeois society. The writer leaves the surface comparatively bare: the meaning is plain and simple. The impression of simplicity which strikes the reader from the first is brought out not only by the plain dialogues, the common matter-of-fact events at the beginning of the story but by the language itself.A close study of the story for the purposes of examining its style involves a careful observation and a detailed description of the language phenomena at various levels. The text of the story is not homogeneous: the author 's narration is interrupted by the dialogues of the characters; inner thoughts of come characters (mostly Wilson's) are imperceptibly interwoven with the narration. A rigorous analysis of the vocabulary of the story clearly shows that the author employs common words in his narration and a restricted number of colloquial words in the dialogue and represented speech.Here are some examples of colloquial words: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ â⬠. In many instances the reader sees that the number of synonyms is deliberately restricted. Note the use of verbs of communication (ââ¬Å"to sayâ⬠and its synonyms) times; ââ¬Å"to tellâ⬠ââ¬â 3; ââ¬Å"to askâ⬠ââ¬â 2; ââ¬Å"to speakâ⬠, ââ¬Å"to agreeâ⬠ââ¬â once each. No other verb of communication is used. Besides, the author does not usually add any adverbial modifier to show the manner in which the character speaks. See the first page where the author plainly states ââ¬Å"â⬠. The impression of impassive matt er-of-fact narration is brought out also by a very limited use of words denoting feelings.On the first pages we can find only the following words: ââ¬Å"pretendingâ⬠, ââ¬Å"in triumphâ⬠, ââ¬Å"smiledâ⬠, ââ¬Å"likedâ⬠, Authorââ¬â¢s scrupulous attention to minute details adds to the matter-of-fact and logical tone of the story. Underneath this simple exterior of restraint there lies a rich treasure of suggestions and implications. The very structure of the story adds to the effect of implication but the actual meaning of what is going on is not clear at the beginning of the story, as the feelings suggested by the writer are not precisely determined.The reader however feels that something has happened and that the characters are strained and full of hidden apprehension and suppressed emotions. The effect of implication ( ) and suspense () is brought about in various ways, firstly by the direct means of stating that something has happened but not revealing wha t. Observe the repetition of the word ââ¬Å"happenâ⬠. Note the word ââ¬Å"pretendingâ⬠which characterises from the start the atmosphere of suppressed emotion.Note the various cases of logical periphrasis used by the characters to say in a round-about way what happened that morning. The reader is kept in constant suspense: ââ¬Å"the whole thingâ⬠; ââ¬Å"about itâ⬠; ââ¬Å"that lion businessâ⬠; ââ¬Å"something like todayâ⬠. Observe also the repeated use of the verb ââ¬Å"to forgetâ⬠stressing the intention of the speaker not to think of some unpleasant fact; the verb ââ¬Å"to forgetâ⬠is used four times and its contextual synonym ââ¬Å"to dropâ⬠ââ¬â twice. The hints and suggestive remarks uttered by the characters in their seemingly plain unpretentious dialogues are very effective in their implication.The effect of implication and suspense is brought about indirectly too: The macro-context that comes after these words affects them and determines their meaning. The peculiar use of the verbs ââ¬Å"to lookâ⬠and ââ¬Å"to smileâ⬠may also be regarded as an indirect means of creating the effect of implication. However additional contextual meaning and emotive colouring is received mainly from the macrocontext. This manner of describing the character's reaction and emotions by presenting simple external actions may be considered a specific SDââ¬âmetonymical description which is realised only in the macrocontext.The SD of metonymical description makes the reader supply what is missing and creates the effect of implication. This is one of the ways in which Hemingway employs his ââ¬Å"iceberg principleâ⬠: ââ¬Å"I leave out what I know but knowledge is what makes the underwater part of the iceberg,â⬠writes Hemingway. In a similar way the writer uses the verb ââ¬Å"to smileâ⬠: the implication conveyed by this verb is also brought out in the macrocontext. The role of the macroconte xt in Hemingway's story is of utmost importance. Note instances where the verb ââ¬Å"to smileâ⬠is used: ââ¬Å"So author's story devoid at the beginning of any apparent emotional colouring, of any apparent expression of the characters' feelings is impassive and matter-of-fact only on the surface whereas beneath the surface can be found intense emotions, meditations, sufferings. Note that the feelings and emotional reactions of Mrs. Macomber and Wilson are mostly conveyed by this means. Note the role of repetition in heightening the impression of growing fear: the word ââ¬Å"fearâ⬠is used here twice, and the word ââ¬Å"afraidâ⬠is repeated three times.One more note about author's usage of words and how it is related to the description of his characters. The impartial tone and the absence of emotive words in describing Mrs. Macomber may be accounted for by two reasons: the writer's principle to leave the surface comparatively bare of any emotion, and the desire to emphasise the woman's nature by choosing relevant words and expressions (note the writer's way to explain her purpose for desiring to marry again ââ¬â ââ¬Å"to better herselfâ⬠). Analyse the use of the adjectives ââ¬Å"redâ⬠and ââ¬Å"blueâ⬠in the story.Similarly, the adjective ââ¬Å"blueâ⬠is affected by the surrounding words (it is constantly used in such combinations as ââ¬Å"cold blue eyesâ⬠, ââ¬Å"his flat, blue, machinegunner's eyesâ⬠) and had acquired an additional contextual meaning making it an epithet in the macrocontext. It is the macrocontext that determines the meanings of some words and suggests their implication in authorââ¬â¢s story, and therefore should not be underestimated. The grammatical peculiarities of the story serve the basic stylistic purpose ââ¬â that of giving the impression of simplicity and mpartiality on the one hand, and creating implication and emotional tension, on the other. Long sentences which are s o characteristic of the author's narration in the story do not produce a sense of complexity. On the contrary, the long sentences give the illusion of simplicity. The impression of simplicity is generally maintained by a peculiar sentence structure. The most striking feature which is easily observed is the repetition of one and the same conjunction within the sentence. Read this sentence: â⬠â⬠Similar structures can be seen on the same page: ââ¬Å" â⬠The use of one and the same conjunction and one and the ame type of subordinate clause within the sentence (a complex sentence with successive subordination) creates a monotonous analogous description where the author seems concerned only with presenting a bare enumeration of details. It is interesting to point out that folklore contains clear-cut structures of this type with successive subordination as in the well-known nursery rhyme ââ¬Å"This is the house that Jack builtâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å". The established syntactical pattern which is repeated within the sentence is a stylistically significant feature in the story leading to a seeming lack of variety and maintaining the effect of simplicity.Note that this holds true not only of the sentence-structure but to a larger extent of the paragraph-structure. The established pattern (or patterns) is repeated with a slight variation throughout the paragraph giving the impression of analogy and logic in structure. Read the paragraph on p. XX beginning: ââ¬Å" â⬠The predominant sentence-type in the above paragraph is the complex sentence with a subordinate clause of time. The conjunction ââ¬Å"whenâ⬠is repeated five times, the conjunctions ââ¬Å"whileâ⬠and ââ¬Å"beforeâ⬠are used once each. The paragraph being a unity of ideas presents in the story a striking unity of syntactic structure.There is no conspicuous topic sentence, the paragraph gives a series of details or actions which go on and on, as if the writer assumes that his r eaders want only to learn as quickly and easily as possible what happens. The unity of the paragraph manifests itself in the established syntactical pattern used throughout the whole of the paragraph and in the one and the same conjunction. Repetition assumes in the story various structural forms. Catch-word repetition (anadiplosis) is frequently used giving the impression of plain, logical structure: ââ¬Å"Margot looked at them both and they both saw that she was going to cry. ââ¬Å"But more than shame he felt cold, hollow fear in him. The fear was still thereâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å". Note that anadiplosis produces the effect of a ââ¬Å"chain-patternâ⬠structure similar to that produced by successive subordination often used in the story. Anadiplosis is sometimes employed to connect successive paragraphs. The dominant conjunction which is employed frequently and variously in the story is ââ¬Å"andâ⬠. The repetition of the conjunction ââ¬Å"andâ⬠usually maintains paralle lism and rhythm: ââ¬Å"â⬠The effect of a rhythmical arrangement is heightened in this example by alliteration at the end of the paragraph.Suspense which is the basic compositional feature of the story manifests itself in the structure of most paragraphs. Read the paragraph by which the first part of the story culminates: ââ¬Å"â⬠Note that the paragraph tends toward balanced structure for the sake of contrast: ââ¬Å"Macomber did not knowâ⬠¦ ,â⬠ââ¬Å"Wilson knewâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å". The repeated use of the words ââ¬Å"knewâ⬠, ââ¬Å"did not knowâ⬠adds to the effect of contrast and gives the impression of a certain established pattern of the paragraph.Observe that parallel constructions are interrupted by inserting modifiers (three instances of subordinate clause of time introduced by ââ¬Å"beforeâ⬠, ââ¬Å"whenâ⬠, ââ¬Å"whenâ⬠) and some other relevant detail. Syntactical parallelism supported and intensified by lexical repetition (four instances of ââ¬Å"knowâ⬠; ââ¬Å"nor â⬠¦ norâ⬠; ââ¬Å"when, when â⬠¦ ââ¬Å"; ââ¬Å"how, how â⬠¦ ââ¬Å") lends an unmistakable rhythm to the passage. Note that the length of sentences and clauses is shortened and the number of inserted details is lessened by the end of the paragraph and so causing a change in rhythm: from a slow, even rhythm to a rapid, excited rhythm.This change of rhythm heightens the emotional tension and reinforces the implication suggested by the last unexpected sentence of the paragraph: ââ¬Å"He did not know how his wife felt except that she was through with him. â⬠The repeated words do not assume any definite compositional pattern, such a simple scattered repetition contributes to the impression of a colloquial simplicity of narration: ââ¬Å"â⬠The principle of repetition which reveals itself in the use of the established syntactic pattern and the repetition of one and the same conjunction often leads to the SD of cum ulation: ââ¬Å"â⬠The clash between the yntactical analogy and semantic distance in the SD of cumulation brings about the effect of implication and hints at the real relations of the characters. All these similar features contribute to the impression of parallelism in the structure of the paragraph. Cumulation is striking as the clash between the grammatical identity and semantic difference is sudden and strong. Cumulation gives rise to implication and presents the first obvious hint at what happened before the story began. The main dramatic force is achieved by syntax ââ¬â by the writer's masterly utilisation of the resources concealed in the syntactic structure of the language.Stylistic tendencies and peculiarities of the story manifest themselves in the passage most intensely and palpably. The passage tends to rhythmical structure: parallel constructions, various types of repetition, a peculiar scheme of sense-group division ââ¬â all contribute to this impression. A ll these features lend balance to the passage. A change in rhythm from slow to rapid reinforces the effect of suspense and climax. Suspense is created by a number of interrupting but relevant details postponing the completion of the thought.The length of the interrupting phrases and coordinate clauses is shortened by the end of the passage (note once again that the last three clauses contain two sense-groups while the first four ââ¬â three or six) and causing a change in rhythm adds to emotional tension. The sentences are not so long, not so fragmentary, the relevant details are not so numerous. Note that some details are repeated (ââ¬Å"like slateâ⬠ââ¬â ââ¬Å"like hitting a slate roofâ⬠). The rhythm of the paragraph is even and quiet giving the impression of an impassionate description.The paragraph may be regarded as a kind of comment on what happened. Note the use of the Past Perfect which plainly refers the actions to those which have been mentioned. The ide a of suspense and the effect of implication is masterfully revealed at the end of the story ââ¬â the writer does not say plainly whether it was an accident or murder. The writer presents only a sequence of outward actions and the reader is left to imagine more than the words themselves convey. Assignments for Stylistic Analysis: 1. Speak on the subject-matter and the idea of the story. . Analyse the structure of the poem (its stanzas, rhythm, rhymes), note instances of enjambment and speak on its stylistic function. 3. What characters of the novel are described in the passage and what does the reader learn about them? 4. Who are the major and minor character/s? Describe them shortly. 5. What impression do you get from the protagonist? Discuss his/her character and his/her views as they are revealed through his/her speech. Describe the protagonistââ¬â¢s state of hopelessness and frustration. Comment on the protagonistââ¬â¢s words: ââ¬Å"â⬠. 6.Analyse the direct speech and speak on its peculiarities. 7. Discuss the meaning of the saying: ââ¬Å"â⬠and comment on its stylistic peculiarity. Say why he/she uses it. Speak on the way he/she interprets the above mentioned saying. What SD is used by him? 8. Find cases of periphrasis in her speech and speak of their function. 9. Discuss she attitude towards the situation, comment on lexical and phonetic EMs and SDs used in her speech and speak of the effect achieved through the use of these devices. 10. Pick out various types of metaphors and comment on their stylistic effect. 1. Comment on the meaning and stylistic peculiarities of some lines. 12. Dwell on the implication suggested by the author. 13. Pick out epithets, state their types and structure and speak on their stylistic function. 14. Comment on the exclamatory sentence 15. How do you account for the sudden transmission from literary vocabulary mostly used by the author (ââ¬Å"under the auspicesâ⬠, etc. ) to the colloquial words (â⠬Å"a confounded quarrelsome highbred jadeâ⬠)? What stylistic effect is achieved by this device? 16. Comment on the stylistic effect of the rhetorical question: 17.Speak on the author's attitude towards the society he describes. Pay attention to the EMs and SDs employed by the author (note the vocabulary of the passage, metaphors, metonymies, allusions, rhetorical questions and their stylistic function). 18. Speak on the scene and the characters introduced in the excerpt and SDs used to describe them. 19. Find various forms of repetition in the author's narration: the repetition of a sound (alliteration); of a conjunction (polysyndeton); of a notional word; of a syntactical pattern (parallelism) and speak on the role of repetition in the structure of a paragraph. 0. Analyse the SD of repetition from the point of view of its compositional design (anaphora, anadiplosis etc. ); note what kind of repetition prevails in the excerpt; speak on the stylistic functions of repetition. 21. Take the Xth paragraph for rigorous analysis; in doing so dwell on the following points: 1) the main thought of the paragraph and the way it is developed; 2) the SD of polysyndeton; 3) the metaphor, the way it is prolonged and the stylistic effect achieved; 4) represented speech, its type and stylistic function; 5) antithesis as the culmination point of the paragraph. 2. Comment on the different ways author manipulates with the remarks of the characters. 23. Summing up the analysis of the chapter pick out all passages where the author's ironic or sarcastic attitude towards high society and its corrupt morality is acutely felt and analyse the main SDs used to achieve this effect. 24. Summing up the analysis of the chapter/extract/passage/story, speak on the allegoric character of the story and on various SDs used to make the particular effect..
Friday, January 3, 2020
Samuel Gompers Biography Labor Union Hero
Samuel Gompers (January 27, 1850 ââ¬â December 13, 1924) was a key American labor union leader who founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and served as its president for nearly four decades, from 1886 to 1894, and from 1895 until his death in 1924. He is credited with creating the structure of the modern American labor movement and establishing many of its essential negotiating strategies, such as collective bargaining. Fast Facts: Samuel Gompers Known for: Influential American labor union organizer and leaderBorn: January 27, 1850, in London England (migrated to the U.S. in 1863)Parentsââ¬â¢ Names: Solomon and Sarah GompersDied: December 13, 1924, in San Antonio, TexasEducation: Left school at age 10Key Accomplishments: Founded the American Federation of Labor (1886). President of the AFL for four decades from 1886 until his death. Created procedures for collective bargaining and labor negotiations that are still used todayWife: Sophia Julian (Married in 1867)Children: à From 7 to 12, names and dates of birth not recordedInteresting Fact: Though his name sometimes appears as Samuel L. Gompers, he had no middle name. Early Life and Education Samuel Gompers was born on January 27, 1850, in London, England, to Solomon and Sarah Gompers, a Dutch-Jewish couple originally from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Though his name sometimes appears as ââ¬Å"Samuel L. Gompers,â⬠he had no recorded middle name. Despite being extremely poor, the family managed to send Gompers to a free Jewish school at age six. There he received a brief basic education, rare among poor families of the day. At age ten, Gompers left school and went to work as an apprentice cigar-maker. In 1863, at age 13, Gompers and his family migrated to the United States, settling in the slums of the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City.à Marriage On January 28, 1867, the seventeen-year-old Gompers married sixteen-year-old Sophia Julian. They remained together until Sophiaââ¬â¢s death in 1920. The reported number of children the couple had together varied from seven to as many as 12, depending on the source. Their names and birth dates are not available. Young Cigar Maker and Budding Union Leader Once settled in New York, Gompers father supported the large family by making cigars in the basement of their home, assisted by young Samuel. In 1864, the 14-year-old Gompers, now working full time for local cigar-maker, joined and became active in the Cigar Makersââ¬â¢ Local Union No. 15, a union of New York cigar makers. In his autobiography published in 1925, Gompers, in recounting his cigar-rolling days, revealed his budding concern for workersââ¬â¢ rights and suitable working conditions. ââ¬Å"Any kind of an old loft served as a cigar shop. If there were enough windows, we had sufficient light for our work; if not, it was apparently no concern of the management. Cigar shops were always dusty from the tobacco stems and powdered leaves. Benches and work tables were not designed to enable the workmen to adjust bodies and arms comfortably to [the] work surface. Each workman supplied his own cutting board of lignum vitae and knife blade.â⬠In 1873, Gompers went to work for cigar maker David Hirsch Company, which he later described as a ââ¬Å"high-class shop where only the most skilled workmen were employed.â⬠By 1875, Gompers had been elected president of the Cigar Makersââ¬â¢ International Union Local 144. Founding and Leading the AFL In 1881, Gompers helped found the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, which reorganized into the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1886, with Gompers as its first president. With a year-long break in 1895, he would continue to lead the AFL until his death in 1924. As directed by Gompers, the AFL focused on securing higher wages, better working conditions, and a shorter work week. Unlike some of the more radical union activists of the day, who were trying to reshape the fundamental institutions of American life, Gompers provided a more conservative style of leadership to the AFL. In 1911, Gompers faced jail for his participation in publishing a ââ¬Å"boycott listâ⬠of companies that AFL members would not patronize. However, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Gompers v. Buckââ¬â¢s Stove and Range Co., overturned his conviction. Gompers vs. the Knights of Labor, and Socialism Led by Gompers, the AFL steadily grew in size and influence, until by 1900, it had largely taken over the position of power previously held by the older Knights of Labor, Americans first labor union. While the Knights publicly denounced socialism, they sought a cooperative society in which the laborers owed the industries for which they worked. Gompersââ¬â¢ AFL unions, on the other hand, were concerned only with improving the wages, working conditions, and daily lives of their members. Gompers detested socialism as supported by his rival labor organizer Eugene V. Debs, head of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Throughout his forty years as AFL president, Gompers opposed Debsââ¬â¢ Socialist Party of America. ââ¬Å"Socialism holds nothing but unhappiness for the human race, Gompers said in 1918. ââ¬Å"Socialism has no place in the hearts of those who would secure the fight for freedom and preserve democracy.â⬠Gompersââ¬â¢ Death and Legacy Having suffered from diabetes for years, Gompersââ¬â¢ health began to fail in early 1923, when influenza forced him into the hospital for six weeks. By June 1924, he was unable to walk without assistance and was temporarily hospitalized again with congestive heart failure. Despite his increasingly frail condition, Gompers traveled to Mexico City in December 1924 to attend a meeting of the Pan-American Federation of Labor. On Saturday, December 6, 1924, Gompers collapsed on the floor of the meeting hall. When told by doctors that he might not survive, Gompers asked to be put on a train headed back to the U.S. saying he wanted to die on American soil. He died on December 13, 1924, in a San Antonio, Texas hospital, where his last words were, ââ¬Å"Nurse, this is the end. God bless our American institutions. May they grow better day-by-day.à Gompers is buried in Sleepy Hollow, New York, just yards away from the grave of famed Gilded Age industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.à à Today, Gompers is remembered as a poor European immigrant who went on to pioneer a distinctly American brand of unionism. His accomplishments have inspired later labor leaders, like George Meany, founder and longtime president of the AFL-CIO. Many of the procedures for collective bargaining and labor contracts created by Gompers and used by the unions of his AFL are still commonly used today.à Notable Quotes Though he left school at age ten and never completing a formal education, as a young teen, Gompers formed a debate club with several of this friends. It was here that he developed and honed his skills as an eloquent and persuasive public speaker. Some of his better-known quotes include: ââ¬Å"What does labor want? We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures.â⬠ââ¬Å"The worst crime against working people is a company which fails to operate at a profit.â⬠ââ¬Å"The trade union movement represents the organized economic power of the workers... It is in reality the most potent and the most direct social insurance the workers can establish.â⬠ââ¬Å"No race of barbarians ever existed yet offered up children for money.â⬠ââ¬Å"Show me the country that has no strikes and Ill show you the country in which there is no liberty.â⬠Sources Gompers, Samuel (autobiography) ââ¬Å"Seventy Years of Life and Labor.â⬠E. P. Dutton company (1925). Easton Press (1992). ASIN: B000RJ6QZCââ¬Å"American Federation of Labor (AFL).â⬠The Library of CongressLivesay, Harold C. ââ¬Å"Samuel Gompers and Organized Labor in America.â⬠Boston: Little, Brown, 1978
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